After you answer a few, simple questions, we will provide you with a personalized set of resources. This will also be helpful when starting a conversation with an advisor.
What keeps you up at night?Select the statements that apply to you.
What keeps you
up at night?
Select the statements that apply to you.
Saving enough for retirement.
How long I need to work.
Providing for my family.
Being able to afford rising healthcare costs.
What are some of your goals for the future?
Select the statements that apply to you.
Start a small business of my own.
Help a child or grandchild with college tuition.
Support a charity that’s near to my heart.
Travel more often, visiting new cities and places.
Why are we asking these questions?
The statements you selected help you uncover what’s most important to you, from among seven key life priorities. This insight can help an advisor work with you to pursue your goals.
Seven life priorities

Bringing it all together and defining your financial goals.

Upsizing, downsizing or buying a vacation home.

Managing healthcare expenses, now and in the future.

Taking care of your family and other people in your life.

Spending your free time in ways that are meaningful to you.

Volunteering, mentoring others and giving to charities.

Working in retirement, selling a business or starting a new one.
Getting you the right resources
Based on your responses, we selected the highlighted priorities. Feel free to click on others that are important to you, or remove those that aren't.
Dive deeper and we’ll provide resources, articles and videos selected just for you.







Finally, tell us about your goals
Now that you've selected your priorities, tell us a little about your goals below.
I want to make sure I’m saving enough for retirement.
I want to be prepared for the unexpected.
I want to have enough cash to cover my monthly expenses.
I'm worried my investments are too risky.
I want to ensure my investments match my values.
I want to make sure I have the right amount of cash on hand.
I want to make sure I have enough cash to capitalize on investment opportunities.
I'm interested in funding a down payment on a new home.
I want to have a financial strategy in place for opportunities like a vacation home.
I'm interested in increasing the value of my home by renovating it.
I'd like to remodel or renovate my house without jeopardizing other goals.
I want to purchse a new home when I retire.
I want to protect my family’s income in case of an unexpected disability or death.
I’m not sure how to plan for my family's future healthcare needs.
I don’t want to deplete my assets to pay for healthcare.
I need to know more about what Medicare does and doesn’t cover.
I’m concerned about the rising cost of healthcare.
I need to prepare for long-term care needs for myself and my spouse.
I want to make sure I have enough to send my children or grandchildren to the college of their choice.
I want to make sure my family is protected if anything happens to me.
I want to prepare for the care of my aging parents.
I’d like to financially support some of my family members.
I want to protect what I’ve built so I can pass it on to my children.
I want to give my heirs more than just money.
I want to pursue activities like travel without worrying about my long-term financial security.
I’m interested in spending more time pursuing interests, like traveling.
It’s important to be able to spend my free time with my family.
I want to be prepared to make a large purchase, such as a boat, art or an antique.
I want flexibility to discover new passions.
I might be retiring but I still want to have fun.
I want to make sure I’m able to give to the causes I care about — even in retirement.
I’m interested in fostering the financial and social responsibility of my heirs.
I'm interested in leaving the right philanthropic legacy.
I want to do more than occasional charitable donations, but I’m not sure where to start.
I want to reduce my tax burden while supporting charities I believe in.
I’d like to ensure my wealth is transferred in a way that maximizes inheritance for my heirs.
I want to begin a second career or start a business.
I want to use all the workplace benefits that I’m entitled to.
I don’t want to stop working, but I’d like to take a couple of years off when I retire.
I need to make sure I’m taking care of my employees.
My business is focused on innovation so I need access to cash.
I’m interested in consulting for my current employer after I retire.
In order of priority
Based on your selections, it seems like this is the order of your priorities. Please adjust as you see fit.





